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Bluetooth Server Tasks

The following act as server tasks in the Qt Extended server and/or directly support the Qt Extended Bluetooth functionality.

BluetoothFileSendServiceRuns a BluetoothPush service and provides updates regarding the progress of each file transfer request that is sent through the service
BluetoothObexPushServiceRuns a Bluetooth OBEX Object Push server and provides notifications of received requests and their status
BluetoothPasskeyAgentTaskDefault passkey agent for performing Bluetooth passkey authentications
BluetoothServiceManagerControls Bluetooth services
BtDialupServiceTaskServer side support for the Bluetooth DUN profile
BtFtpServiceTaskServer side support for the Bluetooth FTP profile
BtHandsfreeServiceTaskImplementation of the Bluetooth Handsfree Service
BtHeadsetServiceTaskThe Bluetooth Headset Service
BtPowerServiceTaskThe BtPowerService
BtSerialServiceTaskServer side support for the Bluetooth Serial profile
QBluetoothHandsfreeAudioGatewayServerImplements the Bluetooth handsfree service Audio Gateway interface
QBluetoothHandsfreeServiceImplements Bluetooth Handsfree Audio Gateway profile
QBluetoothHeadsetAudioGatewayServerImplements the Bluetooth headset service Audio Gateway interface
QBluetoothHeadsetServiceImplements Bluetooth Headset Audio Gateway profile
QBluetoothSerialPortServiceBluetooth service implementation for the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile

Copyright © 2009 Trolltech Trademarks
Qt Extended 4.4.3